Thursday, May 28, 2009


Rescued by John Bevere and Mark Andrew Olsen
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Bethany House

We meet Pastor Alan Rockaway and his new bride Jenny on their church's couples' cruise. Alan's teenaged son Jeff is along to film the trip's speakers and events for the church members at home. Not Jeff's dream trip, to be sure, but Alan is hoping that they can re-connect during this cruise to paradise and back. Connecting must wait; disaster strikes on a routine tourist submarine ride, testing Jeff and Alan beyond anything that they can imagine.

The story that unfolds before us is not your standard fare of mending fences and happily ever after. Shocking secrets are revealed and Jeff discovers not only what he is made of, but what his dad is made of too. Alan comes face to face with the Judgment Seat and is shocked by what he finds. This stirring tale compels the reader to take an honest look at his or her life in light of the big picture of eternity.

One of the questions that still rings in my mind after reading it is "Are you really ready to meet your Maker?" I want to be sure. And I think that most others will too, after reading this book. I highly recommend it.

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