Monday, October 29, 2012
T is For Thesaurus
What do you use when you need a synonym or antonym?
The thesaurus?
The synonym feature in Word?
I had the privilege of writing a review for another excellent resource, The Emotion Thesaurus by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. It's up now at the Coffeehouse for Writers' blog. If you have a moment, I invite you to check it out.
When searching for words and inspiration, where do you look? What tools do you use for brainstorming?
Happy writing,
Karen :)
Image credit: Stock Exchange
Angela Ackerman
Becca Puglisi
The Emotion Thesaurus
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Great Goals!
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short,
but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.
Michelangelo Buonarroti
Ever have a quote snag your attention? This one grabbed me. With 2012 drawing to a close, I'm thinking about goals - ones I've met and others that fell by the wayside. For 2013, I'm determined to make changes, sow more self discipline, and press forward to make certain projects a priority. In other words, I'm aiming higher.
This Renegade Writer's post, Anti-Schedules for the Freelancer Who Hates Scheduling landed in my inbox yesterday, and wouldn't you know, writer Dianna L. Gunn addressed a few issues that hinder my goals. Talk about timely encouragement. :)
I'm curious, do you set goals? Are they short term? Long term? Both?
What do you do to make your goals a reality?
Do your goals hover above sea level or soar amongst the stars?
This Renegade Writer's post, Anti-Schedules for the Freelancer Who Hates Scheduling landed in my inbox yesterday, and wouldn't you know, writer Dianna L. Gunn addressed a few issues that hinder my goals. Talk about timely encouragement. :)
I'm curious, do you set goals? Are they short term? Long term? Both?
What do you do to make your goals a reality?
Do your goals hover above sea level or soar amongst the stars?
I've a few articles to finish, and of course, goals to review, so I'll be taking a break till 10/29. See you then. :)
Have a great weekend!
Photo Credit: Stock Exchange: Colorado October
Dianna L. Gunn
Michelangelo Buonarroti
The Renegade Writer
writing goals
Monday, October 15, 2012
The Tone Dilemma
One issue I have with email is that you can't always interpret the sender's tone. It's often difficult to judge inflection and emotion, is it not? I received an email this week that came off as aloof and impatient. I'm not acquainted with the sender, so that might not be their intent at all.
I wasn't upset, just thoughtful. How do my missives sound to others? Those who know me know I wouldn't purposely be brusque or set out to offend.
Years ago, I adopted an informal email policy. You might call it "tone insurance".
1) With few exceptions, I don't answer an email in haste. If it's an issue that stirs my emotions, I wait and pray until I'm sure to respond rationally.
2) I read my response aloud before sending. This slows things down as I consider my reply. I employ this method with my writing too; the ear is a great editor, catching things missed otherwise. The extra bonus - it helps prevent typos. Not always, but often.
3) I get a second opinion. My in house editor, aka my 20-something daughter, often acts as a second set of eyes. If she's not available, I'll ask a friend
Simple points? Yes, but they act as great speed bumps to avoid mishaps. :)
How do you handle the tone dilemma? How do you think others perceive your writing tone and style?
How does tone relate to writing? I've
heard tone defined as how it feels or sounds and is interpreted. Tone can take shape through
word choice, sentence structure, and a writer's attitude and style. A writer’s tone
can be sarcastic,
serious, funny, sad, or a combination, don't you think? I believe that
tone plays a role in a writer’s voice.
To illustrate tone, I encourage my teen writing students to consider the following exercise.
Imagine two actors
trying out for a part. Each actor’s only line is to say the other actor’s name
several times.
What would they sound like if they were afraid? Surprised? Angry? Confused? Happy? How did they communicate the meaning for each emotion?
What would they sound like if they were afraid? Surprised? Angry? Confused? Happy? How did they communicate the meaning for each emotion?
Years ago, I adopted an informal email policy. You might call it "tone insurance".
1) With few exceptions, I don't answer an email in haste. If it's an issue that stirs my emotions, I wait and pray until I'm sure to respond rationally.
2) I read my response aloud before sending. This slows things down as I consider my reply. I employ this method with my writing too; the ear is a great editor, catching things missed otherwise. The extra bonus - it helps prevent typos. Not always, but often.
3) I get a second opinion. My in house editor, aka my 20-something daughter, often acts as a second set of eyes. If she's not available, I'll ask a friend
Simple points? Yes, but they act as great speed bumps to avoid mishaps. :)
How do you handle the tone dilemma? How do you think others perceive your writing tone and style?
Happy writing,
Photo credit: Stock Exchange
Text content copyright Karen Lange. No part shall be used without prior written permission.
Karen Lange
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Thursday's This and That

Everyone who likes chocolate raise your hand! Check this out - in honor of National Chocolate Week Jennifer Brown Banks is hosting a contest on her blog, Pen and Prosper. Hurry, deadline to enter is October 22, 2012.
Do you write for children? A member of my local writing group shared info on this No Fee Short Children's Story Contest. First prize is $5000, entry deadline is November 30, 2012. Details can be found here.
Would Hemingway Blog? Kristen Lamb shares her answer in this post. She makes an interesting point, how blogging prepares us for other writing. Whether you think Hemingway would blog, or not, it's good food for thought.
Another round of classes begin October 29 at the Coffeehouse for Writers. Workshops suit writers of every level and genre, and are affordable too. Hop on over!
Blog topic inspiration lacking? Top 10 Tips for Developing Blog Article Ideas might help get the creative juices flowing again. You never know. :)
Come across any good links lately? What are you up to this weekend?
Happy weekend,
Photo credit: Stock Exchange
Jennifer Brown Banks
Kristen Lamb
Pen and Prosper
writing contest
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