Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I Love to Write Day 2023



Just in case you didn't know, today is I Love to Write Day! Matter of fact, November 15, 2023 is the 21st anniversary of this fun and fabulous holiday. 

Created in 2002 by author and freelance writer John Riddle, this creativity boosting celebration encourages young and old alike to write something long, short, or somewhere in between. Whether someone is an "official" writer or not, they have a writing voice all their own, worthy of sharing all kinds of wonderful things.

When asked about the origin of I Love to Write Day, John said,

"My goal for I Love to Write Day is simple: people of all ages are encouraged to write something: a poem, a letter, an essay, start a novel, finish a novel...the possibilities are endless!"

For all the I Love to Write Day history, info, and fun facts, visit the I Love to Write Day website. Connect with John Riddle on Facebook and Linkedin, and feel free to share about it on your blog or social media. You're welcome to use the ILTWD site link and #ilovetowriteday.

Quick Book Review

Earlier this year, I had the privilege of contributing to another of John Riddle's books entitled,

The PAC Method for Writers: How Prayer, Attitude, and Confidence Can Lead You to a Successful Writing Journey.

This inspiring book includes a collection of personal essays by writers of all genres. Its offerings also include encouragement, guidance, and wonderfully rich insight into the ups and downs of the writing life. These creative professionals share their advice and the pearls of wisdom that helped them stay the course.

John Riddle provides the framework from which writers can gain a better perspective to move ahead in their writing journey. Prayer, attitude, and confidence - these three elements are the keys to help develop not only one's writing skills, but the assurance that their words can and will make a difference.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading my fellow writers' stories; their candor was refreshing and encouraging. No matter where one might be on their creative adventure, there is always something to learn. Whether it's a matter of refining our character or attitude, sharpening our skills, or simply being quiet and trusting for the revelations we need to forge ahead, we can walk in our divine purpose. All writers, I think, would benefit from the support and sage advice within these pages. Highly recommended!

The PAC Method for Writers is available in paperback or ebook on Amazon.

What Have You Been Up To?

How have you been? What have you been up to? Hope all is well! 

Been busy with freelance work and hanging out with the grandkids lately. Enjoying an absolutely lovely fall, and looking forward to Thanksgiving with family.

What are you looking forward to as 2023 winds down?

As always, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you!

Happy writing,



  1. Hi Karen - can't believe I'm here ... just come over from Jacqui ... so great to find you once again ... I'll hopefully stay in touch now. Writing ... always - fifteen plus years of blogging and doing a few other things ... but always drafting happily in my mind. It's great to see you're freelancing and hanging out with the grandchildren ... special days. I'm fine and keep on being involved in various groups in and around Eastbourne - cheers for now - HIlary

    1. Hilary, you are a treasure! Thanks so much for coming by and commenting. So good to see you. Good to hear that you're keeping busy and enjoying the journey. Fifteen years of blogging is commendable, for sure. Keep up the good work! Sending love and hugs your way!

  2. Jacqui, you're more than welcome! Thanks so much for coming by and commenting! Have a wonderful day! :)

  3. Glad to see you back on the blog scene, Karen. Thanks for this informative read.

    1. Hi Jen, Thanks for stopping over to see us here! Always appreciate your thoughts.

  4. Hey Karen! Good to hear from you. Awesome you contributed to that book.

    1. Alex, hey, how are you doing? Good to see you! Appreciate you coming by!

  5. I'm sorry I missed it but I was teaching a seminar on book marketing yesterday.

    Hi, Karen! It's been a long time.

    1. Hi Diane! Thanks so much for dropping by! Hope that the seminar went well. And there's writing involved with that, so you're good! :)

  6. I love to write too! I wish I can do more writing for myself instead of my clients, but I enjoy it either way. You're a good writer.


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Have a blessed day!