This is an interesting website that has lots of things for writers of all genres. Their Learn the Craft section offers online courses with topics like E-books, Fiction in a Flash, How to Quit Your Day Job, Writing for Magazines, Writing Historical Fiction, and more. These are priced at $80 for a four week course; all are taught by experienced, published writers. The courses are offered every month, so you can pick the time that works for you.
CHW also publishes a free e-newletter, and offers online critique groups and communities. Their Coffeehouse Corner Shoppe sells writing themed t-shirts, and of course, coffee mugs. They also have moderated book discussion groups. If you'd rather connect with a real live, in person writer's group, they have links to several regional groups.
There are all sorts of goodies out there to help us with our writing. What resources have you found to be helpful? Share them with us; we're all ears!
Happy writing:)
Hi Karen -
ReplyDeleteI'll have to check out these links. I don't know how I'd ever squeeze a course into my schedule, but it's worth a look. :)
Hi Susan,
ReplyDeleteAlways good to hear your voice..Perhaps one of these months you will get a sabbatical and you can take a break and take a course:) These are 4 week courses, too, so may be a little more doable depending on what season you are in. Right now, I'm with you, my 'season' is busy! Blessings!
I will go check this link. I find so many good places that it is so hard to really do justice to them all and I find myself frustrated!
ReplyDeleteI agree, so many places, so little time! Maybe someday we can figure out how to get a few more hours in the day to check them out. If I get any revelations along these lines, I will let you know:) Thanks for stopping by.