Monday, February 13, 2012

The Dream Team

Last Monday's post entitled The Art of Communication featured a quote on writing by Abraham Lincoln.  I suggested that he'd have made an interesting addition to a writing group. My lovely and clever writer friend Jean Fischer, of Something to Write Home About commented and asked, "Wouldn't it be fun to put together a famous persons writing group?" Jean's comment was pure genius, and with her blessing, this post was born.

Picture it - a meeting of literary minds (allowing timeline scrambles for creative purposes).

Jane Austen and Mark Twain are sitting across from each other, discussing character development. Would Miss Jane be able to talk any sense or sensibility into Mr. Twain?

Perhaps C.S. Lewis, Homer, and Shakespeare offer tips Abraham Lincoln might share as he addressed a Gettysburg crowd.

Robert Louis Stevenson could offer a garden of verses for Laura Ingalls Wilder. She, in turn, might ponder those lines while writing about little houses and such.

Just think what might happen if William Strunk and E.B.White met with L.M. Montgomery and Tolstoy? Surely some elements of style might come up. You never know.

What writers would you combine for a lively and interesting mix? Who would be on your writing group dream team?

Taking the rest of the week off, but will be back next Monday with an interview with Ann Gabhart. There will be a giveaway and other goodies too. See you then.

Have a great week! :)


Image credit: Stock Exchange


  1. I would like to see Jules Vern and HG Wells sit down together and come up with a series of awesome sci fi books!

  2. Enjoy your week off! I might like to get together some current writers like Jodi Pecoult etc:)

  3. Ooh, I would have Susan elizabeth Phillips, Meg Cabot, Steven King, and Jenny Crusie to start. Would be an interesting book. LOL

    Enjoy your week!!

  4. I'd like to see a pairing of Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe. Chills...

  5. Oh this will be fun to think about, mixing and matching. I wrote a post where I'd invite certain writers to dinner, but ah, having them write together. Yes, that would be thrilling.
    ~ Wendy

  6. Stephen,
    Now that would be a good combo! I know you'd be there for that one!

    Thank you! I know, there are so many I can think of! :)

    Good list! And you too, of course. You are an author after all! :)

    Chills - you're right about that! Oh my! :)

    I like the dinner idea, that's a good one! I'll have to give that some thought!

    Have a great week,

  7. I would love to sit in on a brainstorming session with the following:

    C.S. Lewis
    Lewis Carroll
    Roald Dahl
    Frank L. Baum
    J.R.R. Tolkien

    What a hoot!

  8. What fun! I love the group with C.S. Lewis, Shakespeare, and Abe Lincoln.

    I also love Robert Louis Stevenson.

    My dream group would include Louisa May Alcott and Leif Enger. They could discuss the merits and pitfalls of sequels.

    I would love to hear Kenneth Grahame and Frances Hodgson Burnett talk about setting.

    I would love to hear Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen tell where they got the idea for their great male characters.

    I didn't think I was star struck at all, but I have to admit, listening to these and other authors would be worth a ticket for me.

  9. Jean,
    The lovely lady who started it all...thanks so much! Excellent choices, I'm thinking. You will invite me, right? :)

    Oh yes, these are great combos too! I'm with you, I'd be wanting a ticket too! :)


  10. Oohhh, I'd love to sit next to Ms. Austen and Mr. Twain. Sounds very entertaining! :)

    Fun post, Karen!

  11. Oh, what a fun post! I would LOVE to sit with Jane Austen and Mark Twain as well.

  12. Hi Karen -

    You've got the gears turning in my mind! I'd love to sit down with Francine Rivers and James L. Rubart. Both of them are awesome writers. Maybe they could collaborate on a project. :)


  13. Sarah,
    I know, I agree! The things we could learn, right?

    Thank you! I'm with you!

    I know, I've been turning this one around in my mind. Lots of potential here!


  14. The impossibility of it would make my brain hurt! Jane Austen and the Brontes and Suzanne Collins and Margaret Atwood and JK Rowling? Crazy.

  15. Okay this is totally for fun but would be very interesting but Benjamin Franklin and Stephanie Meyers. :)

  16. My dear friend, author Christopher Hoare does this very thing a lot on his blog. He takes famous British authors from the past and brings them together with characters from his historical and S/F novels. Fascinating conversations develop.

    I would love to sit down with Eta James, Marilyn French and kd lange. Maybe Barbara Streisand will stop by. I'd be the only author per se.

  17. Lydia,
    That would be crazy. But it sure would be fun! :)

    Now there's a combo! Good idea, I think the results would be great!

    Sounds like Christopher has fun with that, it's a great idea! Your combo sounds good; writers or not, it's fun to think about!


  18. Hello Karen...

    Have a delightful week! Thanks for your visit and comment to my blog, too. Always nice to have you stop by. Susan

  19. Enjoy your week Karen...
    Uhh, Bonhoeffer maybe...

  20. Haha!! I love this! You made me laugh, K. :)

    Oh, goodness. C. S. Lewis was so serious. I wonder what he'd do with Erma Bombeck, for instance. Or what she would do with Winston Churchill?

    I'll bet you had oodles of fun writing this post. It makes your mind start whirling.


  21. Susan,
    You too! So glad you could stop by! :)

    Thank you! Bonhoeffer might make a good addition, you're right!


  22. Rhonda,
    And usually you are the one making me laugh! :D Yes, Erma Bombeck would be a good one to add to the mix!

    Thanks so much! Have a great week!


  23. Have a wonderful week off, amigo.

    Actually I love your mix of writers. Awesome to think about. Now all day I'll be mixing authors in my head.

    I heart you.

  24. One would definitely be Margaret Atwood. She always has interesting things to say!

  25. How about Emily Dickinson and Dr.Seuss? One might temper the other while laughing uproariously over tea.

  26. Not sure about a group but individually, I'd like to spend an afternoon with Jane Austin and tip a pint with Toliken and listen to Francine Rivers tips over lunch.

  27. Robyn,
    So you'll have to let me know what you come up with, okay? Love you back!

    There's another good one. Let's see if we can't arrange it! :)

    Ah yes, now there would be a good combo! Fun! :)

    Sounds like a good plan! :) And meeting with Francine Rivers would be divine.


  28. Oooh, a yummy thought, Karen! You are brilliant!

    I'd have Cecil Murphey, Davis Bunn, Ann Lamott, and Jan Karon. Whooo-ey!!!!

  29. Hi Karen! The idea of the Dream Team is a great idea, and I have used it. I first heard about it from reading Napoleon Hill's classic "Think and Grow Rich." I have often had those imaginary meetings as I subconsciously consulted the minds of great thinkers and visionaries to help me make big life-changing decisions. It sounds nuts, but it can also be a surreal experience.

    My dream team has consisted of (and all at the same time): Martin Luther King, Jr, Tony Robbins, C.S. Lewis (at least my picture of Anthony Hopkins' portrayal of him), and Jay Leno (seriously, just for the comic relief). You're welcome for information overload.

  30. I don't know exactly who my dream team would be, but it would definitely include Stephen King, lol!

  31. C.S. Lewis, Shakespeare and Abe Lincoln would be interesting . . .and Stephen Tremps' idea for H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. Maybe Tolkein adde in there too?
    Thanks for this fun, and intriguing post!

  32. Jen,
    Well, actually it was Jean's idea, she just let me take it and run! Hey, that's a good combo you chose! :)

    Hadn't thought about it that in depth, but I see your point. I think we can learn so much from these great minds. Good combo - what a meeting that would be!

    Ah, I suspected as much. I know you'd assemble something interesting! And then of course, I'd expect a full report on your blog. :)

    You all have such great suggestions! What a wonderful bunch of meetings we'd have!

    Happy weekend,

  33. I want to eavesdrop on the Laura Ingalls Wilder group, but keep me away from the Russians! They're going to be arguing, I can tell!

  34. My Dream Team would not be authors they would be the women of my family, telling stories, being themselves. I cannot think of anything that inspires me more.

  35. Hey just stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend. sandie

  36. Jill,
    Me too! As far as the Russians, we'll see if we can't keep it orderly! :)

    Excellent idea! With my Mom, Grandmothers and beyond gone, I would love to share time like this with them too.

    Happy weekend,

  37. Sandie,
    And a happy weekend to you as well!

  38. Karen:
    Coming in here late. My choice of authors would be Jan Karon, Beverly Lewis, Janet Evanovitch, (please, don't judge me.) I would give them a task. I would ask them to write a suspense novel based in a religious setting.

  39. Cecelia,
    I think it's a good matchup! I like the task you propose; that's a great idea!


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts. Have a blessed day!