Cape May, NJ
Photo courtesy of Rebecca Lange of Inside Out.
That Awesome Blogging Experience
In last Monday's post, I posed the question, 'What elements are key to a successful blog?' Your answers were great, and I appreciate your input and the dialogue that came about. I gained valuable info, and I hope that you did too. Some highlights from what you shared include:
- Blogs that make you come back again
- Make them an enjoyable and productive experience
- Catchy titles and interesting openings
- Not too long
- No preachy blogs
- Like to hear the writer's voice
- Helping others is your success
- Quality and interesting content
- Good presentation
- Faithful posting schedule
- Short loading time
- Topics that generate dialogue
- Weekly features and links
As I've mentioned before, I started a blog so that I could add blogging to my resume. I didn't mean it as impersonal and generic as it sounds, truly, I just wanted to see how it all worked, get some experience, and then maybe I could apply for one of those ads for bloggers and gain extra income. I realized that I needed a focus, so I decided to create a blog for writers, offering encouragement, links and other good stuff. I have a writing mentor/friend who has encouraged and supported me for years. I figured if I could help someone else, even just a fraction of how this friend has helped me, it'd be a good thing. So that's where I started.
I had no clue, NONE, that such an extensive community of writing bloggers existed. I know, you're thinking, where did I live, a cave? Okay, so pretty much. Anyway, here we are now; my blog is over a year old, and I've gained all these wonderful blogging friends. That would be you:) I've learned a lot from all of you on this journey, thank you! I am looking forward to continuing the ride; I hope that you will join me.
More Fun Stuff
Benedictions is the place Emily Benedict calls home in the blogging world. A fellow writer and chocolate lover, she surprised me with the Blogger BFF Award. What a treat! Thank you, Emily, I needed the boost this week. Benedictions is a great place to stop and gain great writer-ly information, moral support, links, and other goodies. Check out Emily's book, Only Angels Are Bulletproof while you are there.

I offer these awards to you, my Awesome Blogging Experience friends. You know who you are, the faithful ones who stop by and comment on a regular basis. I appreciate that commitment and sacrifice more than you know. Please choose one and if you like, pass it along.
What about you, my Awesome Blogging Experience friends? Care to share thoughts about your ABE with us?
Have a wonderful and blessed week. Happy Writing!
Cape May, NJ, photo courtesy of Rebecca Lange of Inside Out. Copyright 2010, Rebecca Lange. Thanks, Beck! :)
Oh what a great post Karen, it has been so nice to have met you along the way. I have taken the little buddy award thank you.
ReplyDeleteThe first picture is beautiful, well done Becky.
Have a beautiful blessed week my friend. Big hug. (((♥)))
congrats on the awards!! Yes, blogging has definitely opened my eyes to the complete awesomeness of writers. :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Karen,
ReplyDeleteI discovered this workshop over the weekend:
If you need blogging help, Patty seems to have the workshop to help.
Have a good week,
Great list of suggestions. Fun to see in writing like that. And yeah for awards!
ReplyDelete~ Wendy
Thank you, Raymonde! I am so thankful for all of you. Congrats to you on the award:)
Thanks so much:) It is a rewarding experience, and can be so much fun!
Thank you for the link. I'll check it out.
Awards are fun, aren't they? This was an interesting topic. Probably be a good idea to revisit it sometimes.
I am thankful for and blessed by each one of you. Have a wonderful week.
Congrats on your awards! You deserve all of 'em and more.
ReplyDeleteYou have that sweet but informative and helpful voice here at Write Now.
Thanks for the helpful list and congrats on your awards!
ReplyDeleteI work alone in a satellite office for a big univeristy press, so having regular "social time" on blogs is a lifeline!
Dear Karen....Eight months ago, if someone mentioned the word "blog" to me, I would have said, "What's a blog?" I had NO CLUE blogland existed. So maybe I lived under a mushroom or something? When I started a blog in October, it was like Alice falling down the rabbit hole. New world! New friends! New awesome experiences!
ReplyDeleteNow, 200-plus posts later, blogland STILL amazes me. I LOVE it.
By the way, Karen, box is on its way to you. Hope it arrives safely by week's end. Sincerely, Susan P.S. Congrats on well deserved awards!
ReplyDeleteI think that you have been promoted to my own personal cheerleader:) Thanks, as always, for the support and kind words.
Thank you:) Yes, it is a wonderful social community, isn't it? I've gained so much through blogging.
Then you and I were kind of in the same boat! It is an amazing experience:)
Ladies, your blogs are all wonderful. Thanks and blessings for coming by,
I agree with list you put up entirely. There are certain things that seperate good blogs from great blogs.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know exactly what you mean when you talk about the community you found on blogger. I never expect that either, but I've met so many great people. :)
Thanks for such a great post!
Oh, if you get a chance, I've got a book giveaway on my blog today. :D
(Thanks for the shout out of my book, btw. That means a lot to me. :)
Great list. I think my blog is finally back in order and I hope to reconnect with everyone. Hugs :O)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the awards! And thanks for the helpful list. The world of blogging has introduced me to a supportive community of writers, like you, and I'm so thankful.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome. Great book giveaway, btw! I want to read your book one of these days, so thought others might be interested too:)
Nice to see you back! Hopped over to your blog (you probably know this already:) and said hello.
Thank you and you're welcome! It is a great experience, isn't it?
Thanks and blessings, dear friends,
ReplyDeleteYou had some really good comments that you posted here. Seems kind of funny but I agreed with the one "Short loading time." Perhaps b/c I have an older computer, some blogs actually take a couple of minutes to completely load on my computer, esp if they have music.
I like blogs that have new and creative ideas. I read a variety of them - family, religious, Bible study, some political stuff.
I also like when the blog owner replies, like you do here. I try to do that, but don't always get to.
Good blog, and good post today.
Congratulations Karen- these awards are well deserved!
ReplyDeleteI must have lived in the cave next door! I never blogging would envelope me in such a loving world of writers. Isn't life grand!
Hi Karen -
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award and reaching 90 Followers. Yay!
At first, locating Christian writer blogs was a challenge. I discovered Terry Whalin's blog, and clicked on his blogroll links. The rest, as they say, is history.
I pay attention to blogrolls and love the Follower gadget.
Susan :)
Great post as always Karen! Wonderful awards, congratulations!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the blogosphere, nothing but love surrounding this world, I love all those who follow and share their insights and struggles, it makes me feel like I'm not alone! Several bloggers I consider wonderful people and friends, we email regularly just as much as we comment on one anothers posts... they are real people just like me working on one common goal... the joy of writing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Karen!
Your posts are always helpful, informative, and encouraging.
Hope you are having a wonderful, blessed day!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Good points, all, especially the busy pages that have a long loading time. My laptop is older and it can take more time to load than our newer desktop. When I am pressed for time, this seems to take forever. Enjoy your blog and the reviews you've featured lately.
Thank you, you are such a sweetheart! Ah so that was you in the cave next door:) Well, live and learn, huh? Your blog is a favorite stop for me.
Thanks! I think of you as the blog pro and appreciate all the help you've passed along. I'd say that you have a great blog history, and btw, Happy Blogoversary to you! :)
Thanks so much. Enjoy your blog too. You're perspective is refreshing. There's so many goodies that you share:)
Thank you! Always enjoy stopping to see what you have going on. Thanks again for the award:) Good things ahead, amen?
Thanks to all for stopping by and sharing. Blessings,
The suggestions are very helpful! I blogged for a few years before I actually joined the blogging community. I was sweetly surprised to find lots of other writers!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the awards and your 1 year blogging anniversary!
You said it, Karen. The blogging community is so much richer than I think anyone can guess going into it. Full of amazing support and encouragement, and honest-to-goodness caring.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
I'm laughing because I had no idea the blogging community existed when I started either! I'm so glad I started my blog--what a community. I've gotten much more than I could ever put in!
ReplyDeleteThank you:) Glad to know I wasn't the only one who didn't know about all these great bloggers! You're right; it is sweet.
Thanks so much! I like your word choice - that it is rich. That it is, and abundantly sweet:)
Hooray, I don't feel as out of it as before:) Seems there are many previously clueless kindred spirits out there!
Thanks and blessings to you all for coming by,
I'm just a blogger novice, so I am slowly finding my way around this cyber-hood. But interesting and thought-provoking blogs like yours are lights I take with me into the darkness.
ReplyDeleteCome by my blog, WRITING IN THE CROSSHAIRS, if you have the time. See if there are any rough edges there I should trim for the good of my visitors. Have a lovely week, Roland
I don't think any of us realized what an amazing community existed out there. I have been blogging almost 4 years this summer. I did it just to put down my thoughts and also thought it would be good practice and wanted to learn the system. WHo would have thought it would change my life so much? I have learned more from fellow bloggers about writing and publication than from anywhere else. Glad to call you one of my blogging buddies:))
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you, and thank you for becoming a follower. Will check out your blog too. There are so many great resources out there to help us along the way.
Glad to hear that I wasn't the only one unaware of what was out there:) I am glad that we're buddies too.
Thanks to both of you for stopping by.
Congrats on the awards! I'm with you on the list of things I like to get out of blogs. It's nice to know we're on the same page.
ReplyDeleteI was in conversation with my pastor as we were finalizing our to-do list for the production of one of my plays. I said I felt like no one knows I write except my friends, my church family, and my writing group. He suggested I might consider writing a blog.
The first one I had, I didn't feel anyone was reading. I received an e-mail stating the person who was behind the site was ceasing to have blogs. I checked around and rethought this site. I have met a lot of nice people. I have won a lot of good books I wouldn't have heard of, if I hadn't blogged.
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is fun knowing we are on the same page:) Great community of writers we have here.
I know what you mean, it is such a great way to get our writing out there, meet writers and learn, and win books too:)
Thanks and blessings to you both for stopping by,
A friend and I started our blogs at the same time and we faithfully commented on each others posts. It's nice to see how we've branched out and how our blogs have evolved.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your blog award!
Thanks, Lindsey! It is an interesting process and journey. Thanks for coming by:)
I started my blog(s)to foster my own writing discipline, and then I realized that people actually read, and what I wrote touched them. Wow!
ReplyDeleteI used to have music on mine that started automatically. Then I read that that "scares" some folks when it suddenly starts. So I changed it to an option. But then I took it off altogether because I think it makes for faster page loading. I also found I much prefer reading blogs without music.
I had no idea what a huge world blogging is - both among Christians and writers. It's been a fascinating discovery. I like your summary on what makes a blog successful. Good stuff to keep in mind.
ReplyDeleteI know, it is an amazing experience! I've actually been startled by music on blogs, but trying to remember to keep the volume down:)
Me either, and it's been a great discovery for me too. These links were a great help to me. So much good stuff out there!
Blessings to both of you,