It's almost time for NaNoWriMo. In case you aren't familiar with the term, it's short for National Novel Writing Month. Held each November, the goal is to write a novel in a month. Writers everywhere participate and can interact via social media and the NaNo website. They also share pre-NaNo info and tips on the NaNoWarmUp blog.
I think about joining NaNo every year, but other commitments keep me tied up. After reading this post on HR Sinclair's blog, I'm considering doing a personalized version this year. Since my WIP is a collaborative project with Susan J. Reinhardt, I can't write the whole book, but I can take NaNo inspiration and move my part forward. :)
Are you doing NaNo? Have you ever participated in any similar writing challenge?
In Other News

Escalation follows the lives of unlikely participants from innocence to a coming of age through sacrifice, betrayal, passion, lust, unconditional love, and hope. This book will appeal to fans of modern-day science fiction, action, and horror, as it is an epic clash where science and the supernatural take center stage for mankind’s destiny. The setting is global and the adrenaline-charged action is non-stop.
Wendy Paine Miller's book, The Disappearing Key, is out for all to read and enjoy. Congratulations Wendy! Here's the description:
Gabrielle Bivane never expected parenting a teenager would be this hard, but she never expected stillborn Oriana to live to see fourteen, either. The night of Oriana's birth, Gabrielle and her husband Roy fused their genetic and engineering geniuses to bring back all that was lost to them—at a cost. The secret must be kept.
Oriana Bivane senses she’s not like the other girls her age, but the time has come for her to change all that. She’s tired of secrets, but does she confide in the wrong person? The life-giving key, suddenly missing, must be found.
Do you write poetry? If so, check out Writer's Digest poetry competition. Top prize is $1000. Entry deadline is November 1, 2013.
Children's Writer, a publication of The Institute for Children's Literature is also holding a poetry contest. Click here for details. Cost to enter is $15; this fee also gives you an eight month subscription to Children's Writer. Deadline to enter is October 31, 2013.
A Winner
Congratulations to Natalie Monk, the winner of Rebellious Heart by Jody Hedlund! Thanks to all who stopped by for last week's post.
What motivates you to make time for a project? Have any exciting plans for the upcoming weekend?
Happy writing,
Photo credit: Stock Exchange
That's true - you don't have to actually compete in NaNo. You can use it to inspire and spur you on.
ReplyDeleteI've participated in the past but not this year.
Regarding the poetry question, I am really wanting to begin writing poetry. I may even write a poem on a blog post!
ReplyDeleteHi, Karen! Thanks for the poetry contest links :-) This past year I've explored poetry a bit along with work on my WIP. Having said that, I'd be more apt to enter the poetry contests than NaNo at this point. I like the idea of trying to write a novel in a month but fear I wouldn't be able to follow through on the commitment--at least not this year. But I'm inspired by those who do, and maybe that inspiration will help me up my word count a bit...?
ReplyDeleteI've always thought NaNo was a great idea but couldn't do it for one reason or another. But HR inspired me with her post, as did you, when you spoke of it in our interview on 9/30. So off I go! :)
You should give it a go! And yes, share it on your blog, please. Would love to read it. :)
I'm like you, can't do the big project, but can get motivated in other directions. Hope you get to enter the poetry contests! :)
Happy writing,
Hi Karen! I can't even fathom writing a novel in a month. Yikes! I am still trying to make sense in 500 words. But someday?
ReplyDeleteThis Friday, my Dad's coming over for dinner. I hope to do something outdoors this weekend, to celebrate the beautiful season of Fall. Yay! Oh yes, and work on making sense in 500 words. Constant struggle there.
Have a great week Karen!
Goodness. I've never done it, but I say go for it if you can suit it to your own project! I think it would be fun to do it with so many other people.
ReplyDeleteThere is a whole group ('er forum) dedicated to NaNo Rebels like yourself (on the NaNoWriMo forums). Thanks for the shout out.
ReplyDeleteI've never NaNoed. I'm reminding myself of Mork. NaNo NaNo! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for featuring my book on here today! Love your support!!!!!!!
~ Wendy
ReplyDeleteYes, maybe someday for both of us! :) I know for me it would simply be a rough draft, but it would be something down on paper anyway. :) Really enjoyed the post on your blog today!
I like setting little goals to push myself. For I need a lot of pushing sometimes...LOL :)
You are welcome! I really was inspired when I read your post. Really made me think! Enjoyed today's on historical fiction, too. :)
Happy to share your news! Wish you all the best! :)
I haven't but my sister has. I'm way too OCD to just sit down and let it rip like that. My creative process is much slower than that. I may try it someday though.
ReplyDeleteKaren, I love to write poetry, but I'm very traditional and that form is not so popular anymore. So I simply inflict it on friends with only the very occasional contest entry. NaNo - Not for me. Too much going on all the time!
ReplyDeleteI like your idea about NaNo. I've been feeling bummed that I can't really participate this year, because I'm in the midst of revisions, but I can use it to spur me onward!
ReplyDeleteI think I'd find it challenging too to keep writing without editing. I go back and forth between the two and a whole straight month might be tough. But someday I will give it a try. Who know, maybe you will too!
Well I'll be watching for that poetry on your blog, then! :) Yeah, I hear you, November is a tough month for me too in that respect. So that's partly why I've decided to try another angle.
I always feel like I should be doing it but just can't find the time to commit. Maybe once Susan and I finish our book I'll give it a try one of these years. If I can free up more time in November!
Happy writing,
I have never entered that nano contest. I do write poetry (in the Dutch language) and often enter in contests, sometimes I win, sometimes I receive an honorable mention, sometimes nothing... but I always learn!
ReplyDeleteHi Karen...Hope your weekend was good! As for making time for a project, if it's something i WANT to do, it's easy to find the time It's the unwanted tasks that are a challenge.
ReplyDeleteI find writing down what needs to be done, on a "to do" list in my notebook, helps. I love crossing off the chores completed when I get some things done. Susan
Hi Karen,
ReplyDeleteThe Disappearing Key sounds intriguing. I've clicked the Amazon link so after posting this, am going to see...
I don't yet have the confidence to do Nano. I can't write without going back and reading/editing.
ReplyDeleteI think the learning part is always a good thing! We should never stop. :)
Yes, sometimes the things we want to do find their way to the top of the list, don't they? :)
I hear you - my inner editor would struggle with NaNo too. Sometime I'm going to push her aside and do it, I think!
Happy writing,
NaNo has never called to me. Probably because November is always a busy month around here.
ReplyDeleteLove Wendy's bookcover; very intriguing. And yay for Stephen!
I tried NaNo once and found it was not for me. Or not for me at that time. I'm not saying I'll never try it again, but I don't feel compelled this time around. Wishing you the best if you decide to do it!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all of these links and tidbits. I'm clicking over to check out Wendy Paine Miller's book now.
I've never done nano, since I work full-time, it would present a challenge to my sanity!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Jody!
ReplyDeleteNovember is crazy here too, but maybe someday. Yes, Wendy's cover is eye catching, isn't it? :)
I can see where you need to have the right personality for it to work, you know? And motivation and book idea too! :) I'm thinking, if I actually plan on a different novel (other than Susan's and mine) I may try and write at least half the book or something like that. :)
Yes, I can see where it would be hard for you, and those like you who work full time. It's daunting enough working part time! :)
Happy writing,
NaNo will probably go on without me this year. I've done it a couple of times in the past, but I've got too much going on to make that commitment this year.
ReplyDeleteI hear you. As long as we are writing, I think it's a good thing! :)
I'm participating in PiBoIdMo! That stands for Picture Book Idea Month. We come up with a different picture book idea each day in November.
ReplyDeleteHi, Karen:
ReplyDeleteYou and I have talked about how I'd like to do NaNo at some point. Not now though. I'd have to sacrifice certain aspects of my life that I'm not willing to sacrifice, so NaNo will become a reality for me at some other point! :-)
As for the weekend, we have a kiddie birthday party to attend, and I volunteered to help sell raffle tickets after church to benefit my daughter's school. Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteI forgot about PiBoIdMo! Love the idea, and that it's for children's writers. Wish you all the best with it! :)
Yes, and I hear you. In addition to the other commitments about this time of year, that is another consideration for me. I cannot shelve the important things, especially now anyway. But I can take some inspiration and get some things done toward the WIP. I think you are wise, especially with your children still at home. Sounds like the weekend will be busy for you!
Happy weekend,
Lots of good news, Karen!
ReplyDeleteHmm, it would be tricky doing NaNoWriMo as a team effort. I'm still trying to get my third book into forward motion. Then, there's the matter of two upcoming book releases. How do you spell, "tired?" A.U.T.H.O.R. No, No Nano for me. :)
Where'd my comment go?
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Stephen. I'd love to do NaNo, but I don't want to set aside the manuscript I'm currently working on.
ReplyDeleteYeah I don't think NaNo would work for us together unless we had nothing else to do and could hand it back and forth right away. We should come up with an acronym for tired author, lol. :)
I think it would be nice if there were another NaNo alternative month, like May or something. That way if November's timing doesn't work, we can go with a plan B. :)
Happy writing,