How do you write?
On paper and computer screen, on salvaged envelopes, and post it notes - anything that provides a flat surface long enough to record a thought, right?
Have you ever considered how much writing happens in your head?
Yes, I know; it all starts there.
A deadline's looming. An ongoing project needs tweaking. A great idea blossoms. And the wheels are turning. This is a good thing, but...
You're doing the laundry. Or at a baseball game. And you cannot immediately record your thoughts. This is when you write in your head.
But what do you do? Hope you remember?
I don't know about you, but there is no off switch for my brain. It doesn't care what I'm doing, it just cranks out ideas. And before I know it, I have a paragraph written in my head. So I've learned to keep pen and paper handy everywhere, from in my purse to the nightstand. The recording features on my cell phone and MP3 player come in handy too.
Noting thoughts must wait, of course, when we're driving or white water rafting. So we trust that we'll retain those ideas for later, yes? And so it goes in the writer's life. :)
How do you handle this kind of head writing? What's the most unusual place a great idea has hit you?
Happy writing,
P.S. Hope you can join me next Monday when author Ann Gabhart stops by. Have a great week!
Image Credit: Stock Exchange
I usually get my ideas when I'm in bed or at work. Like you, I always have a pen and paper handy. For those times I can't immediately capture them (like when I'm driving) I usually go over them in my head over and over and hope I won't forget!
ReplyDeleteI have a few notepads around the house--in my nightstand, in the kitchen and by my desk. Sometimes a piece of dialogue will pop in my head or all of a sudden I think of something to show and I need to write it down STAT. LOL
ReplyDeleteI always work out my stories first in my head, playing them back like a movie. And I guess that's how I remember - I play the scene over and over so I don't forget.
ReplyDeleteI'll jot down the idea on a piece of paper, but I never remember it the same way twice. I only hope that the one that ends up on paper is the best.
ReplyDeleteI've been known to scribble ideas down on the notepad next to my bed - (in the dark) only to have trouble reading what I wrote the next day! :)
I know - STAT is right! I've even scribbled an idea down while in church...:)
Hey, now there's a good idea! I like that. :) Will have to remember that one!
I have more little scribbled pieces of paper all over my desk, and yes, my ideas often come out differently too. Oh well. :)
I keep a small notebook in my purse, and I've learned to use the voice memo feature on my iPhone. It has come in handy so many times! Especially when I'm driving.
ReplyDeleteI do this, Karen! Yes, I write in my head. Okay, maybe write isn't the correct word. I make the video of the book in head and when I reach the tentative end, I begin writing. That way I know if I have a complete book or not. I've done this with all 6 of my books. Actually, I'm doing this with #7 right now. Have been for a few years.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason I get ideas when I'm on the move, either driving or walking. I keep a notebook in my purse and in the car.
ReplyDeleteI usually do a lot of head writing especially when I am busy with other things.
ReplyDeleteGot an entire novel concept from a notice posted at the doctor's office.
ReplyDeleteMy head is quite lively.
ReplyDeleteThat voice memo feature is great, isn't it? :) Much cheaper than hiring a personal assistant!
I like that - making a video - I think that's a great way to put it all together! Cheering you on with #7! :)
Me too! Why is that? Oh well, as long as we remember most of it, right? :)
That happens to me too! Busy hands seems to generate thought for some reason. :)
Now there's one I hadn't heard before. Good for you! :)
Have they invented waterproof paper yet? So many times ideas have popped in my head while in the shower :-)
ReplyDeleteI'll be sitting in Sunday school and hear a good thought that I'd like to expand upon; I write it on the front of the quarterly.
ReplyDeleteI also write thoughts on my worship folder during church.
I make sure to have a notepad and pen handy on my night stand and everywhere else just in case those ideas strike.
I'm constantly writing notes.
ReplyDeleteOften, I'll dream about a scene or get an idea in that state between sleep and wakefulness. The key is to keep thinking about the idea until it gets stored in the brain's vast file cabinet.
Susan :)
I have notebooks strategical placed around my high traffic areas; kitchen, car, purse. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
ReplyDeleteYeah, those white water rafting moments are a killer. Funny how you get great writing ideas when rocks and rushing water have you in peril. LOL Great post, Karen.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I think there is some kind of board you can stick on a shower wall and write on. A friend talked about it a while back. I need to look into that. Will let you know if I find anything! :)
Yes, I do the same thing! It's good to get those thoughts down as long as it's not too distracting from the message. :)
Oh yes, it is essential, isn't it? I have more little scribbled notes around here...:)
I think that is interesting - to dream about your WIP. It must be on your mind enough to saturate that far, you know? :)
Oh yes, I am so glad for the invention of little notepads! Happy Mother's Day to you too! :)
Susan S.,
I know, they are, right? :) I think it's mainly the peril aspect that gets me...LOL
Usually when I am falling asleep so I try to get up and write it down!
ReplyDeleteI just had an idea the other day in the hot tub. I totally don't have time to start something new, but as you say, when the idea hits, it hits!
ReplyDeleteI solve problems while I'm doing something else. I can struggle for ages with a pen in my hand, and as soon as I put it down to do housework or go shopping, it answer is right there!
ReplyDeleteI know, I often get ideas then too! Sometimes the next day it's hard to decipher my scribbles! :)
Yes, ideas don't have any discretion, do they? Ah well, we can always save them for later! :)
I know, that happens to me too! Why is that? Perhaps the pressure is off, maybe? :)
Ah, yes, the ever-turning wheels in the head. It helps and haunts us.
ReplyDeleteMy best ideas come to me in the shower. I need to get a waterproof white board to hang in the shower!
I record thoughts onto my cell phone usually. Ideas come when I'm doing something else, and I get anxious about forgetting them unless I jot them down or otherwise record them immediately. I keep index cards handy in my purse, as well, when talking into my cell phone contradicts decorum.
ReplyDeleteNice post! Enjoy your weekend.
ReplyDeleteYes, it is a mixture of good and challenging, isn't it? A waterproof whiteboard seems like a good idea! :)
The index card idea is a good one. You're right, sometimes decorum dictates otherwise! :)
Hi Karen! Great post. I'm like your other comments. Little tablets everywhere...and many times still can't find one when I need it! :)
ReplyDeleteSo, I have written notes on every kind of scratch paper I found! And to those who'd like a waterproof tablet for the shower...http://www.myaquanotes.com/
I've never seen one in person, but they look awesome!!