Like minded friends?
Connections with other writers?
I've been pondering this in light of my recent one year Blogoversary and surpassing the 100 follower mark. Many of you know that when I began blogging, I had no clue what awaited me. I learned quickly that there were benefits galore.
The most treasured benefit, I believe, is the amazing and varied assortment of writing friends I've made. It warms my heart to think about it. It might sound silly, but it really does. I feel as though I have this incredible support group at my fingertips - friends who offer advice and encouragement, and who care about how things are going. It has enhanced my life and writing. It is priceless, and I am grateful to you, my writing friends. Thank you!
What benefits have you gained from blogging? What did you expect when you began? Do you have any advice to enhance the blogging life? Please share, for your input is greatly treasured. I love the conversations that come about in the comments.
Contests Galore
The Great Race Giveaway, hosted by Carol Alexander of Everything Home with Carol is offering some fun prize excitement. Carol will be celebrating her Blogoversary in July, so hop on over and join the fun!
Lynda Schab's recent post at On the Write Track features details about the Family Circle Fiction Contest. Deadline to enter is September 8, 2010, and there is no entry fee. Yay! Free is nice, don't you think? Check out Linda's blog for all the details.
Don't forget my 100 Follower Giveaway! Giveaway ends Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at noon. To enter, leave a comment with your email address. Complete and addtional entry details can be found on Thursday's post. We also discussed commenting, so feel free to get in on that discussion too, if you haven't already.
Be sure and leave your two cents about the benefits of blogging. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say!
Blessings to you,
I like your blog,... nice post keep blogging...
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started blogging I wasn't really counting on anyone following me! LOL I basically just wanted to get my name out there in case someone should "look me up". :)
ReplyDeleteNow I've made friendships, gathered great information, and have won books and other prizes myself. It's been a wonderful surprise.
I had no idea what to expect - I was just told to get my butt on the internet. But the support and friendship have been a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect all of the support!
ReplyDeleteFriends, advice, prizes, connections, and an unending flow of free education. Where else can you find all that?
ReplyDeleteThanks for mentioning my contest.
Have a great week!
I never expected to find so many people who share the same passion for writing. I'm so grateful for blogging for that reason.
ReplyDelete~ Wendy
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you! Thank you for coming by and commenting.
I know, I am continually surprised at the ongoing benefits. It's been great!
Me neither, and it still humbles me. What a pleasant surprise, and what a great writing community!
Yes, the prizes have been a nice perk too! And the info, wow, you could spend 24/7 here and not get everywhere. You are most welcome to the shout out. Your blog is worthy of it.
It's so nice to know there are others out there who 'get it' and who share the same ups and downs with writing. It has been a giant plus!
Thanks and blessings to all of you,
The most treasured benefit, I believe, is the amazing and varied assortment of writing friends I've made.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100%! One of the hardest things about writing is that publication is hard to reach, an it can feel like a very lonely journey. The support and the knowledge sharing that happens on the web is, I feel, intregal to success.
I have learned so much not only about writing, but also about myself from reading these windows into other people's lives, thoughts and dreams. It has enriched my life a thousandfold.
All the best,
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
I agree with you, that is what surprised and blessed me about blogging, the other people out there that are like me and seem to like what I have to say. It has been so much fun to talk about what I am doing and seeing others respond. I wouldn't go back for anything!
ReplyDeleteHi Karen....There are SO MANY benefits to blogging. Like you said, meeting other like-minded bloggers who soon become friends is one of the greatest. It feels great to be "connected" with other writers and photographers. I love meeting each new Follower and also love reading as many other blogs as possible.
ReplyDeleteI honestly had no idea what to expect when I started in October of 2009. Honestly, Karen, I had no idea whether anyone would even be interested in what I wrote and photographed. But I'm soon approaching 100 Followers, too, so this is thrilling to me. Absolutely thrilling.
Another thing I truly appreciate is information on freelance writing opportunities because, after all, bills must be paid. It would be wonderful to contribute more to the family budget through my writing.
Thank you, Karen, for always thinking of others and being so very, very kind. I love your blog. Sincerely, Susan
I love all the friends I've made too and the sense of community it gives me. Plus it's nice to have a place to share my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteBlogging is a great way to connect with other writers and to learn from them, as well as, having someone that understands what you're going through. :)
ReplyDeleteWow, don't know if I've ever seen anyone ever quote me:) I'm flattered! You bring up a good point; it can be a lonely journey. Blogging is a great way to be encouraged and connect. It has taught me much about myself too.
I know! To know that people are interested in what I write is humbling, sobering, and a great blessing all in one. I wouldn't trade it either.
Thanks so much! I enjoy your blog too:) You are so sweet and have been so faithful to comment and encourage. It has so many benefits; what a blessing!
It is a wonderful outlet, isn't it? Who knew that it would be such a great tool to help us move forward, whether writers or otherwise. Congrats again on reaching 'The End' of you WIP!
That's a good way to put it - a welcoming bunch for sure! Lots of wonderful goodies out there for us.
Ah yes, to know that there are others who know how you feel is amazing. That in itself lends such great support.
Thanks and blessings to each of you,
Definitely the connections with other writers is the biggest benefit so far! And there are so many contests right now they are hard to keep track of!
ReplyDeleteInteresting topic. I quite agree that the friendships and connections established can be "priceless" in an unexpected way.
But, I'm also surprised that "serious" blogging takes serious commitment and hard work!
I love the connection to other writers and the writing community. And I'm consistently impressed with how supportive and loving writers are with each other. Makes me all gooey inside.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many contests out there, aren't there? It is hard to keep up. But then, we only need to enter a few as we have time. You never know when you'll win:)
It has been the nicest of surprises, the friends I've made on the way. Yes, I agree, serious blogging takes serious work and commitment!
Thanks and blessings to both of you,
Blogging has given me a creative outlet that I've thoroughly enjoyed! Meeting so many talented writers has been fantastic! I love meeting new people and learning from them. Have a truly blessed week, Karen!! God bless you!
ReplyDeleteHi Karen,
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of connecting with other creatives whose blogs are passion/purpose filled! I like the idea of community and networking and finally, I suppose I love blogging because it's a great way to expression by venting/opinion/debate/ storytelling/ motivating and educating.
I suppose I could go on, but, I'll leave it at that:)
ReplyDeleteYou're right, it is a creative outlet. There's so many nice and new people; it's wonderful! :)
I'm with you on connecting with creatives The community aspect is great too. I like your thoughts on ways to express yourself. It's all that and more, isn't it?
Thanks and blessings to both of you,
ReplyDeleteYou know, I feel the same way! It ia hard to imagine that people want to read my stuff. I've found a super supportive bunch through blogging.
Thanks and blessings,
Hi Karen -
ReplyDeleteI've been running errands all day, so I'm a bit late to the discussion.
No doubt about it, the connections with writers and readers delight and encourage me. I wish I could meet each one in person.
Great info on contests. Now, if the Lord could see fit to expand my day to 30 hours, maybe I could enter them all. :)
P.S. Love the pic! Black-eyed Susie's are my signature flower. Hmm, I wonder why. :)
ReplyDeleteI don't see your followers off to the side of your blog. But best wishes for 100 followers. I'm one of them and darn proud of it.
ReplyDeleteStephen Tremp
Hi, Karen! I had no idea the wonderful things blogging would do for me. I'm a better writer thanks to the practice of writing and I've made wonderful friends with common interests.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started blogging, I thought I would chronicle my days of writing for myself, but blogging has come to be so much more than that. It has evolved like most things in my life.
I think Blogs are cool because you get to meet people with the same beleifs or people who love the same things you do, that you most-likely would not meet radomly in person. As well as the support and fun times you have on blogs. :D
ReplyDeleteSusan R.,
ReplyDeleteIt is an encouragement, that's for sure! I'm with you on the extra hours in the day. Trying to figure how to work that out:)
The followers are showing up now, must have been a glitch. Imagine that, a blogger glitch! :) Thanks for for the compliment. I appreciate your support.
It is amazing, especially when you get to meet these friends in person:) It has been a journey of growth for me too. A good thing, I think!
It is a multi-faceted experience, that's for sure. You're right, how likely is it that we would meet these people in person?
Thanks and blessings to all of you,
Oh, yes. It's the people who bring me back day after day. Their encouragement, wisdom and expertise have brought me from a semi-serious writer to a committed scribe.
ReplyDeleteMy advice? Enjoy blogging but don't let it take over your life--it can be addictive. It's okay to take a break for a week now and then, catch your breath and focus on your family or writing career.
Definitely the friendship/encouragement is the best for me! :0)
ReplyDeleteGood advice b/c it really can get overwhelming, or addictive:) I actually have been thinking about taking a blogging break once a month so I don't ever go into meltdown.
It is a wonderful thing, isn't it? The friends I've made - it just boggles my mind!
Thanks and blessings to both of you,
Oooh, it's sooo nice to be back at "home," these bloggites!
ReplyDeleteTHAT's the main thing I like about blogging!
Great post.
I've always believed in the power of networking but I think it's even much bigger than I first thought! Love meeting nice bloggers like you!
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back on US soil:) Missed seeing you!
It's been great to meet you too:) I think we see the tip of the iceberg!
Thanks and blessings to both of you,
ARGH! I missed it. :( That's what I get for being slow. Congratulations on the 100 followers, especially within a year. That's quite a feat.
ReplyDeleteNever fear; I'll have more giveaways:) Thanks for your kind words!
My Beholding God blog will be a year old next month! I started blogging as a discipline while I eased back into the writing life. I stand amazed that people care about what I write, that they follow, that they comment either on the blog or on my Facebook page or by email. I've made such good friends!
ReplyDeleteDownside: My new friends are so beautiful and write so beautifully I have a hard time keeping up with all the blogs!
I love the abundance of information on blogs (and the contests aren't bad either!).
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started blogging, I just knew I wanted to share what I knew with others. I think aspiring and newbie authors have just as much valuable info as veteran authors, plus they have the advantage of being in the moment, sharing what the publishing world is throwing at them now. As the years pass you might not remember how many rejections your received or the writing advice you received from authors you looked up to when you first started out, and the industry changes.Newbie authors can share what they're going through RIGHT NOW. It's great. Really love blogging and reading other's blogs!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the upcoming blogoversary! Milestones like that are great:) Yes, I know what you're saying about the downside. Somehow though, I want to figure out a balance. Will let you know how that goes!
You know, you made some great points. Hadn't even thought of it like that, thanks! We really all have a lot to contribute to each other. This is such a great benefit.
Thanks and blessings to both of you,
Blogging has actually enriched my life.
ReplyDeleteApart from becoming an outlet for my interests, it has also made me more disciplined, thoughtful, genuinely interested in others and appreciative of differences.
Have a wonderful week. Big hug. xxx